So far in the life of Objitec marketing has taken a back seat. So to rectify that here is my small business marketing strategy and guide!
Creating PlanIt-BookIt covered two passions of mine. The first is squash, I’ve been an avid squash player for over twenty-five years now. The second is software development. My first ever real job was as a software engineer and I absolutely loved every minute of it. Over the years I got promoted into bigger and more stressful corporate management roles until I got to a point where I could stand no more. So I resigned and started Objitec!
As a result of following passions I believe we’ve created a high quality booking system which works incredibly well and which I am very proud of.
All sales of PlanIt-BookIt so far have been thanks to word-of-mouth. Which is great but to grow a little quicker, we need to focus on marketing.
I did a little bit of Marketing while undertaking a Master’s in Business Administration course at Leeds Metropolitan University and I seem to remember quite enjoying it. However, while I did pass with a decent grade thinking back now I remember little about it. What I do remember seemed to be more focused on large Corporate organisations. My current need is marketing as applied to my small business, Objitec. With an objective to fuel further growth.
I have little knowledge when it comes to marketing. What I do have is a definite need to start marketing our products and little to no budget. Therefore, I set out to source one or more books to help guide me.
The first of these books that I’ve found is The 15 essential marketing masterclasses for your small business by Dee Blick. From first glance this looks to be an excellent book for my purposes
As I begin the process of attempting to market PlanIt-BookIt and our other Objitec software products by following the information I source from books I decided it might be a good idea to simultaneously document my efforts within our Objitec website.
So here goes…
My Small Business Marketing Strategy
The first of my tasks begins with the Marketing Planning Process. To achieve this I’m going to follow the first of the masterclasses documented in Dee’s book.
More to follow, watch this space.